Thursday, September 26, 2019
Royal Olympic Athens Hotel

Welcome to the 6th Investments Forum in Athens, Greece.

As investors regain confidence, it is more important than ever to cut through the noise and focus on company fundamentals. What is the global outlook and how on-the-ground research remains vital especially in fast-evolving markets, such as China A-shares? In response to low interest rates, investors have had to engage in a hunt for yield. An alternative to an outright increase in portfolio risk has been the positioning of the portfolio to harvest illiquidity premia. Private debt can provide such an excess return as well as downside protection and diversification benefits at different levels of credit risk. Impact investing is the next evolution of responsible and sustainable investments. What are the objectives and the constraints for such type of investments within private markets? What changes for the Greek economy? What will be the focus of the new government? What is the macro outlook for global markets? What is the future of money? How Central Banks, Retail Banks, Governments and their constituents could be affected with digital money/cryptocurrencies?

Panel I
Market Outlook

Dr. Lazarakou Vassiliki

Dr. Lazarakou Vassiliki

Chair of the Hellenic Capital Markets Commission

Goudinakos Stratos

Goudinakos Stratos

Epirus Bank Board Member, Chairman Risk Committee & Audit Committee TEA EAPAE, Chairman ALCO & CIO
Coordinator of the forum

Whiting Emily

Whiting Emily

Client Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Equities, J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Magginas Nicholas

Magginas Nicholas

Chief Economist and Head of the Economic Analysis Department of the National Bank of Greece.

Panel II
Opportunities and Pitfalls in Global markets

Whiting Emily

Whiting Emily

Client Portfolio Manager for Emerging Markets Equities, J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Christopoulos Dion

Christopoulos Dion

Director, Private Debt, Investment Management, Zurich Insurance Group

Dr.Siokos Stavros

Dr.Siokos Stavros

Co-Founder of Astarte Capital Partners

Ladopoulos Athanasios

Ladopoulos Athanasios

CIO of and Founder/CEO of MOOCTORS


Panel I
Market Outlook:


Panel II
Opportunities and Pitfalls in Global markets

Part A



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